Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Creating the Screeching Metal Sound

To create the metal screeching sound I first started off with the door creaking sound that can be found in my Audio recording folders. I used this as a base sound because it sounded as though it was really screeching. But to suit my needs, I needed to modify it to sound more metallic. So to start with, I started cutting and pasting the Audio, to get the desired effect.

After I'd got the sound how I  wanted it in terms of sequence, I then decided to make a metallic sound effect. For this, I used a Full Reverb effect, to make sure it echoed. Then to make it sound like a shrill metallic sound I used the Guitar Suite effect.In this, I played around with the distortion and the compressor, as well as the amplifier until I achieved a sound I was happy with.  

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