Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Key Words for Sound in UDK

Sound Waves

Sound waves are effectively just straight sound files in UDK. These are useful just for playing straight sounds in UDK. They can just be dragged into the level anywhere and placed, and will play the sound continuously whilst playing the level. You can also modify the attributes whilst in the game editor, to change the attenuation, so the sound isn't  playing at the same volume thought the level. Sound waves have to be imported to UDK as a .Wav files- 16bit.

Sound Cue

A sound cue is basically a load of sound waves built up into one file. This is a much more effective way of adding sound to a level, because UDK only has to load one file rather than 20 odd. Creating a sound cue also allows you to add in other effects such as attenuation, gain, Doppler etc. Sound cues are created by right clicking in the asset window with nothing selected. Then you pick sound cue from the list that appears and you are presented with a window. Then, simply drag any of the sound wave files into the window. To add effects to a sound cue, simply right click in the sound editor window and pick the desired effects.  


Attenuation is the overall radius of the sound. This dictates where the sound will be the loudest and where the sound will no longer be heard.


This places two sounds together but will only play one sound after the other.


This delays the audio sound by whatever number that you dictate.

Distance Crossfade 

This fades two sounds together dependant on distance. The further away from one sound you are, the more you'll here the other sound.


Looping sound is fairly self explanatory. This allows a sound to play continuously in a loop as long as the level is running.  

Sound Node Mature

Sound Node Mature is an effect that filters out inappropriate language within a game.


This mixes at least two sounds together .


This effect modifies sound and pitch.

Continuous Modulator 

This is very similar to a the standard modulator, however it allows you to only edit the sound in real time.


This is another one similar to modulator, but allows to to edit the sound in real time without the use of a code.


This randomizes effects and allows the sound to play irregularly.

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